Special Offerings

Special Offerings

Throughout the year Geist Christian Church participates in special offerings for designated purposes within the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). 

This offering supports the General Ministries of the church in the United States and Canada.

During Pentecost, we are reminded that every church was once new. The Pentecost offering supports the development of news church starts.

There are 14 colleges & universities and 7 theological institutions affiliated with the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). The Thanksgiving offering gives support to these institutions as well as supporting and nurturing Disciples students attending Disciples schools.

The regions of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) support local congregations, organizes camps & conferences and provides programs of support and development for ministers. The Christmas offering supports these regional initiatives and stays here in Indiana.

Week of Compassion
Week of Compassion is the Disciples of Christ’s global presence in the face of disasters (both natural and man-made). Week of Compassion responds to situations such as floods, hurricanes, fires, civil war, poverty and disease.

Reconciliation Ministries
The Disciples of Christ are committed to being anti-racism, pro-reconciliation movement. Gifts to the Reconciliation Ministries supports anti-racism efforts.

To give to a special offering, visit our online donations portal and select an option from the “special offerings” dropdown menu.