Volunteer at Geist Christian Church

There are a variety of opportunities to serve in the life of the congregation to fit anyone’s gifts and interests. Contact serve@geistchristian.org with any questions or to volunteer.

Building & Grounds
Maintaining the buildings and grounds takes a lot of work. Volunteers are needed to help with tasks such as snow removal, landscaping, and small maintenance projects.

Children’s Ministry
At Geist Christian Church, we believe that each child is special in God’s eyes and has unique gifts of great value. Loving our children teaches those children to love our God. Volunteers are needed as nursery attendants, greeters and security, small group leaders, children’s worship leaders, among other things.

Take an active role in worship, preparing the sanctuary, serving communion and receiving the offering gifts of the community of faith. Deacons teams serve once a month at a designated service.

Creation Caretakers
This committed group educates the congregation about ways to care for God’s creation; oversees recycling efforts at both campuses; and supports the natural environment by maintaining the native plants, prairie, and butterfly garden at PR campus. Caretakers also host tours of grounds, participate in the Green Congregations (communities of faith united by concerns for creation), work with Weekday Ministries to instill a love and respect of nature, and participate in other seasonal endeavors.

Offering a warm greeting, extending a hand of fellowship, and being a welcoming presence provides hospitality to our guests and helps prospective members find their way.

Media Ministry
Worship is more inviting, more welcoming, when all can see, hear, and experience the Word, the table, and the Spirit at their best. Media Ministry makes that possible. At the Mud Creek Campus the media team oversees sound and lighting as well as audio and video recording. At the Promise Road Campus the media team operates the video cameras, sound board, and lights. They also direct videos and sermon illustrations throughout the service.

Office Angels
Support Geist Christian Church ministries and events by serving in the church office on either a regular or as-needed basis. Office Angel tasks include data entry, mailing preparation, and special event preparation.

Worship Arts
Gifts of art, color, light, and texture make the worship space come alive, engaging all the sense in worshiping the living God. Volunteer possibilities include sewing and quilting, maintaining worship materials (linens, candles, etc…), special worship preparation, and stage settings.

Student Ministry
The Geist Christian Church youth program is a dynamic and inspiring ministry. There are volunteer opportunities for both youth and adults. Youth volunteers can get involved by attending the ALTARed youth services, playing in the worship band, running sound and lights, and participating in other youth-centered outreach projects. Adults support opportunities include hospitality, small group leaders, and mission and outreach assistance.