One of the many ways we worship God is through song.
Geist Christian Church offers excellent music at each campus.
Music Ministry
Handbell Choirs, Mud Creek Campus
Jubilant Ringers: This beginning-level ensemble is an opportunity for people who are new or have limited experience ringing handbells. The focus on learning and enhancing ringing techniques and music reading skills. A variety of music is performed throughout the year. Rehearsal: Thursdays (September to May), 5-6 pm in the Music Suite
Chancel Ringers: Includes a variety of music, performed the first Sunday of each month during the 9:00 & 10:30 am services, at the annual Christmas concerts, and at the Spring Concert. Some music reading ability is preferred. Rehearsal: Thursdays (September to May), 6:15-7:15 pm in the Music Suite.
For more information, contact Schuyler Brinson, Minister of Music.
Chancel Choir, Mud Creek Campus
The Chancel Choir leads worship each Sunday at the 9:00 & 10:30 am services from September through May and at other special services throughout the year, singing a variety of choral music. During the summer, the choir sings the last Sunday of June, July, and August. The choir is open to all singers high school age to adults.
Rehearsal: Weekly on Thursdays, 7:30-9:00 pm in the Music Suite, and Sundays, 8:15 am prior to services
For more information, contact Schuyler Brinson, Minister of Music.
Praise Team, Promise Road Campus
Shout with joy to the Lord, all the earth! Worship the Lord with gladness. Come before him, singing with joy. (Psalm 100:1-2)
At the Promise Road campus, we strive to unite in joyful worship for our audience of One. We strive for excellence, not out of pride in performance, but in a sincere desire to bring our best offering to our Lord & Savior, Jesus Christ. Though we honor & will from time to time borrow from other genres (yes, we’ve done everything from classical to rap!), most of our music is contemporary Christian “pop/rock,” played by a praise team of singers and instrumentalists.
Music & charts are provided online on Tuesday evenings the week of worship. Vocal and full team rehearsals are on Saturdays before worship.
Please contact Greg McGuirk for more information.