Mission and Justice

Geist Christian Church is committed to identifying and addressing the needs of those whom Jesus called the least, the last, and the lost. Throughout the year, members of Geist Christian Church, embody the hands and feet of God, as they support a variety of non-profit organizations in the local, national, and international communities. Our hope is to co-create God’s kingdom here on earth as we seek creative solutions to the problems that plague those who struggle to secure life’s basic needs.

Summer 2024 Service Projects

Youth Mission Trips

This summer, GCC Youth will serve on two mission trips:

Junior High Trip: Nashville, Tennessee (June 9-14)
High School Trip: Guatemala (June 22-29)

Food Pantry Partner @ Promise Road

Join the team and become a Food Pantry Partner at Promise Road!  Sign the pledge to bring back your bag full of groceries for the food pantry at least once a month.

July’s most needed items are:

  • Pizza sauce

  • Mac & cheese

  • Chicken ramen noodles

  • Canned pasta (SpaghettiOs, ravioli, etc.)

  • Chunky beef or chowder soups

Other items are still needed as well, so feel free to fill that bag full of any non-perishable items to help others.

Community Caring Program

In parternship with the Shepherd’s Center of Hamilton County, both campuses of Geist Christian Church will collect care package items for seniors who are financially fragile, homebound, and/or isolated.

We will collect different items needed each week throughout the summer and then pack them at our annual Geistfest celebration on Aug 17, 2024. We will gladly accept goods and monetary donations to help with this project.

Fishers Youth Assistance Program

Fishers Youth Assistance Program serves between 600-700 students who need a source of food during the summer months. Geist Christian Church will help distribute the last summer meals of 2024 on Tuesday, July 23. 

Times slots are 12:30–3:30 pm and 4:30–7:30 pm. Volunteers must be 18 years old and out of high school. We distribute out of the old Marsh building on 96th Street. Please email serve@geistchristian.org to sign up or get more information.

Gardening Projects at Both Campuses

Did you know we have raised beds at both campuses?  We need your help to plant, weed, water, and harvest throughout the growing season. This is a wonderful opportunity for families, those who need some quiet time, and anyone who likes to play in the dirt! Vegetables will be donated to local food pantries where fresh vegetables are in high demand!

Please email michelle.latty@geistchristian.org to help at Promise Road and linnanddiboyd@att.net to help at Mud Creek.

Changing Footprints

This year, we're partnering with Changing Footprints to make a difference in the world, one pair of shoes at a time. Whether you have lightly or well-worn shoes or brand new ones you've outgrown, we invite you to drop them off at our designated stations located at both campuses. Any size, any style, any condition—all contributions are welcome! Changing Footprints will ensure that every pair donated will either be given to those in need or responsibly recycled. For more information, visit www.changingfootprints.org.

Ongoing Food Pantry Support

Throughout the year, Geist Christian Church supports two local food pantries that address food insecurity for people in Hamilton and Marion Counties. Each week bins are available at the Promise Road Campus and Mud Creek Campus to provide ongoing support to the Come to Me Food Pantry and The Sharing Place.

Learn more about local food assistance programs and what you can do to help!